If you need a copy of the manufacturer's warranty for a product sold by posnailstore.com, please contact the manufacturer or visit their website for more information. In some cases, you may be able to access the warranty information from the product's detail page on nailshoponline.com. We'll also try to help find the warranty information for you if you can send us the product's ASIN (located under the product features). If you prefer a printed copy, please include the street address or fax number to which we should send or fax the warranty. You can write to us at warranties@posnailstore.com
If you are interested in a warranty for a product sold by a third-party seller on posnailstore.com, please contact the manufacturer or the seller of that product directly to get a copy of the manufacturer's warranty.
Warranties for nailshoponline Private Label Brands
Read the Kindle Warranty
Read the nailshoponlineBasics Warranty